Thursday, 13 January 2011

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Our original idea has changed drastically from our finished product, although i don't think this has weakened our music video or blog/folder work. As a team we made changes which were easier to achieve, less budget and required less drastic skills which are hard to do on our budget/time limit. Our folder work received full marks, something everyone contributed to achieve and the aim was to make sure we had the full marks needed in this to help us if things did happen with the video. Although we all felt there was more we could have added to the video, and looking back there are changes we wish we could have made, all in all we are all proud of our work.
Our blog used a lot of background information on the time period and how we could link that to music videos now yet still using hidden signs. For instance, the clothing was typical 80's in the video and the editing we used also showed this. For instance, in a modern day video you wouldn't have transitions like the ones we used, yet we felt it fit in with the low budget theme in other "specials" music videos. 

Evaluaton Of Our Production

Our evaluation includes information on how we used audience feedback as an advantage, what technologies we used for the production, our relationship of music genre to the style and conventions of the production and also how do the CD cover, website and music video link to one another. The evaluation also challenges if we stuck to our original ideas in the planning etc. below we have a print screen of our evaluation, the first image is the guide we have used in order to produce this work, this guide has been used so we can cover all aspects of the evaluation criteria.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

CD Cover Update...

We have successfully completed the front and back cover of our CD cover. We have used Photoshop to age a screen grab image from our music video. The checkerboard effect has been used on both sides of the CD cover and on both sides, the same font is used throughout. On the back we have used two black diamonds to separate each track on the track list. Below is an image of our work.

Monday, 10 January 2011


We hope to complete the remaining of our editing before the deadline of which is this week. We have only just finished our last peice of filming to conclude our music video, the fact that this was not done earlier is due to problems with hiring our equiptment, difficulties in getting to filming location and availability of characters. Today we have attempted to start our remaining of our editing but this has not been possible as the Mac Suite is currently in use by another media set. We hope to be able to edit before lunch and during lunch if possible. It is essential that we complete this final peice of editing in order to obtain full marks of we believe we are capable of.


We have recently filmed our last peice of footage of which will be needed for our music video. The footage follows our narative of a business man 'working for the rat race' however in this peice of filming we have included the use of the mans girlfriend. The last part of our music video will consist of arguements between the 'rat-man' and his girlfriend and will also have a conclusive end. We are not entirely sure how we are going to arrange our footage at this current moment in time but we hope to keep our remaining footage to the narative of our music video of which has been drawn up in our planning portfolio.