Wednesday, 27 October 2010

How Will The Visuals of Our Music Video Fit The Lyrics and Music of Our Song?

 Along with the lyrics below, we have added what will be happening at each stage of the song in terms of visuals. We believe that by adding the sequence of visuals to the lyrics we can relate the visuals our music video to the lyrics of the song and show them how they will appear in our final music video. We also hope to lip sync the lyrics of the song with our actors.

(Before the lyrics begin there is a 22.5 second instrumental. During the first 9 seconds of our song, there will be man asleep in bed who get woken by his alarm, the period before the alarm goes off there will be a mid, eye line shot of the individual of which then turns to a close up of the individual wearing a rat mask. The alarm acts as the camera

The next part of the instrumental shows a series of 7 mid shots of the individual getting ready from a side on position. The shot changes to the 'de dum' of the song or the sound of each 'piano note' when the piano note tempo increases the 8th shot is shown, this is a mid-long shot of the individual walking away from the camera to the door, the last piano note shows visuals of the man closing the door to his house

You're working at your leisure to learn the things you'll need
(during this period in the song the man walks from the front door to his car and opens to the door, the camera tracks the individual, mid to long shot)

The promises you make tomorrow will carry no guarantee (man walking down a street, camera tracks individual from a front-on, mid position, man looking down at floor, then looks to camera and says lyrics 'will carry no guarantee')

I've seen your qualifications, you've got a Ph.D. (long, two person shot of men in suits nodding head and talking, shot changed with lyrics 'you've got a Ph.D' showing man from an aerial shot playing in leaves drunk)

I've got one art O level, it did nothing for me (3rd person shot of man doing work in house whilst girlfriend tries to communicate to him, he ignores her, when the lyrics 'it did nothing for me' occur girlfriend walks out of house and slams (tracking shot) door, cut to next shot)
Working for the rat race (Man seen at desk from a mid-on shot, stop-start camera use to show work piling up quickly)

You know you're wasting your time (mid shot of tramp outside office, saying the lyrics 'you know you're wasting your time (mid-long shot)

Working for the rat race (Man seen at desk from a mid-on shot, stop-start camera use to show work piling up quickly)

You're no friend of mine (mid shot of tramp outside office, saying the lyrics 'you're no friend of mine' (mid-long shot)
You plan your conversation to impress the college bar (third person shot of two men in suits (one the rat man), long shot from the side of individuals laughing)
Just talking about your Mother and Daddy's Jaguar (close up of rat man putting hand into wallet to reveal a £20 note, mid shot of rat man laughing waving note in friends face)

Wear your political T-shirt and sacred college scarf (close up of rat man's t-shirt showing the conservative party logo (represents the rich), mid-on shot of individual putting on traditional scarf)

Discussing the worlds situation but just for a laugh (rat man walks out and says bye to friend, (mid panning shot of rat man as he moves from bar to exit)
You'll be working for the rat race (Man seen at desk from a mid-on shot, stop-start camera use to show work piling up quickly)

You know you're wasting your time (tramp mimes the lyrics 'you know you're wasting your time from a mid-long on position)

Working for the rat race (close-up of rat man with hands on his face looking down at the floor)

You're no friend of mine (mid-long on shot of tramp miming words 'you're no friend of mine')

During this time there is a long instrumental of 26 seconds, for the first 13 seconds of the instrumental there is a series of 3 shots. The first shot is a side on, long shot of a group of teenagers playing 5 a side, the second shot shows a shot of teenagers again playing 5 a side but from an extreme long shot showing the football pitch length ways, the third shot shows a low angle shot from behind the goal, the ball is seen hitting the 5 a side cage, camera does a fade transition into next series of shots.

3 sec shot of flashback of wife shouting at rat man side on, mid shot
3 second tracking shot (mid) of wife walking away from husband and closes door.
3.5 sec tilt shot showing man rising from chair in office to stand (mid shot)
3.5 sec track shot, mid to long, man walks from desk to door, camera cuts.

Working for the rat race (extreme long shot of 2 men standing each side of the office main doors, man on left say lyrics 'working for the rat race' as the rat man appears and come level with the friends at the door)

You know you're wasting your time (camera continues to track all 3 individuals, this time the man on the right says the lyrics 'you know you're wasting your time' (long shot)

Working for the rat race (man on left says the lyrics 'working for the rat race')

You're no friend of mine (shot from the back of the three individuals, man throws rat head on the floor out of camera shot coverage)

Just working at your leisure to learn the things you don't need (side on, long shot of drummer playing, cuts to high angle long shot of rat man singing 'to learn the things you don't need)

The promises you make tomorrow will carry no guarantee
(close up of bongos on 'the promises you make tomorrow', long shot of drummer, head on for lyrics 'carry no guarantee')

I've seen your qualifications, you've got a Ph.D.
(high angle, of keyboardist playing, cut to high angle, long shot of rat man singing 'you've got a Ph.D')

I've got one art O level, it did nothing for me (close up of bongo, high angle, cut to miming of lyrics 'it did nothing for me)

Working for the rat race (high angle, long shot, man on left mimes lyrics and moves into the microphone, other two men stay still)


You know you're wasting your time (high angle, long shot, man on right mimes lyrics and moves into the centre near microphone, other men stay still)


You're working for the rat race (both men on left and right of camera (high angle, long shot) move into centre and mime lyrics)

You're no friend of mine (man in middle mimes lyrics and moves into the microphone)

(shot of drummer, long shot, close up of symbol, camera fades out as drummer continues to hit symbol)

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